The Site Location Plan (Plano de Situación del terreno) and the Topographical Plan (Plano Topográfico) so that the architect knows the slope of the land.
Once you have obtained these documents, you can request the Topographical Survey (Estudio Topográfico - approx. €300/400).
The architect will also need a Soil Study (Estudio Geotécnico - €500/900) so that he can start planning the construction of your home. This is a compulsory step imposed by the Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación for all new construction projects and works carried out with the aim of changing the use of a building converted into a 1st dwelling.
Another document, compulsory since 1997, is the Estudio Básico de Seguridad y Salud (Basic Safety and Health Study - approx. €400). This stipulates the safety standards that must be complied with on the site, as well as the identity and nature of the risks associated with avoidable work-related accidents and those that are more sensitive and need to be eliminated.
The Ten-Year Guarantee (Seguro de Garantía Decenal - approx. €6,000) is essential, as without it you won't be able to register your house with the Notary, and therefore you won't be able to sell it or apply for a loan.To obtain it, tests must be carried out on the concrete before and during the works. This is carried out by the Organismos del Control Técnico (O.C.T.).
It's at this stage that the architect really comes into his own, as he will be responsible for developing the home imagined by the Owner, and subsequently managing the building site. Taking into account the client's wishes and ideas, the architect will draw up the Basic Plan (Proyecto Básico), which includes plans of the location of the house, the future structure and the definition of its levels and interior spaces. He will also draw up the Material Execution Specification (Presupuesto de Ejecución Material - P.E.M.), in which you will find the installations chosen and other materials adopted, as well as a precise evaluation of the construction costs based on their average price in the reference year. Subsequently, or at the same time as the Basic Project, the architect will draw up the Execution Project (Proyecto de Ejecución), which will detail the diagrams and calculations of the installations adopted, as well as the adoption of the Standards in force in Spain, in particular the Technical Building Code (Código Técnico de la Edificación - C.T.E.)
which, since 2007, has obliged homeowners in particular to adopt new energy sources as alternatives to the more traditional ones, which are costly in the long term. Your architect will be happy to explain the best systems for your particular situation.
These 2 complementary projects must be signed by the architect, who must be registered with one of Spain's Colegios Oficiales de Arquitectos (Order of Architects). The time taken for the College to receive the documents varies, but should not exceed 3 weeks (approx. €150).
You can now go to the Town Hall to submit the Geotechnical Study and the Site Safety Study, together with the 2 projects drawn up by the architect, pending their approval by the Pleno Municipal. Once your project has been approved, you will have to pay the building permit fee (Licencia Municipal de Obras - 4% of the total cost of the project).
It is at this point that another important figure in the process appears: the Technical Architect (Arquitecto técnico, or Aparejador). In Spain, he is responsible for managing the site and supervising the builder's work, ensuring that the latter meticulously observes the solutions demanded by the architect (30% of the architect's fee). Making a dream come true
Everything is now ready to build your home. You have the choice of taking charge of all the phases yourself or carrying them out with a developer, taking into account his profit margin, which will be 15 to 40% of the total price of the house. Once again, the architect can manage this situation, but it does entail an additional cost that is best discussed at the initial sketches stage. It is, however, a practical solution, because the architect is also the person involved in your project who logically knows it best.
The idea is to offer 2 or 3 contractors (constructoras) a copy of the project and show them around the site so that they can study it and give you a quote. Set a deadline for the submission of bids so that you can compare them. Never accept a general estimate per m2 of site, or a partial estimate if the contractor will be in charge of the entire site. It would be wise to make your choice after visiting one of your builder's sites to see how he works.
The signed quotation must clearly indicate all the contractor's details (name, address, tax or CIF identification, name of legal representative and signature) and both parties must keep an original signed copy of the contract.On the basis of the construction company's preliminary proposal, it is now time to set the total price for the project. It is advisable to sign the freeze on the price of materials (precios cerrados), but the negotiation must remain open-ended, as this also allows changes to be made by confirming the choices and decisions adopted at any time. Should any such changes arise, it is very important to state them in writing by means of a Change Order (Orden de cambio). The method of payment is negotiable, but the usual way of proceeding is for the builder to request a percentage before starting work, and then to give you monthly Certificates of Work (Certificaciones de Obras), which are simply invoices showing the work carried out up to the date of issue of the certificate.
From the outset of the construction of your project, its execution will include and pass through the following phases: Earthworks (Movimiento de tierras y Vaciado), Foundations (Cimentación), Structure (Estructura), Sewage Works (Red de Saneamiento), Masonry (Albañilería), Insulation and Waterproofing (Aislamientos e Impermeabilizaciones), Façades (Fachadas), Roofing (Cubiertas), Floors and Tiling (Solados y Alicatados), Finishes and False Ceilings (Acabados y Falsos techos), Ironwork (Cerrajería),Joinery (Carpinterías), Electricity (Electricidad), Plumbing (Fontanería), Heating and Gas (Instalación de Gaz y Calefacción), Air conditioning (Climatización), Paintings (Pinturas), Glass and fencing of the plot (Vidrios y Cerramiento de la parcela), Landscaping (Jardinería), etc.
Please note that since the ETC came into force, it has been compulsory to provide your home with an alternative source of heating for your domestic hot water. The architect will be able to assess your home's energy requirements and the most appropriate solution on the basis of your heating installations and the number of sanitary facilities, as well as the surface area of the rooms to be heated. Solar panels are one of the most attractive solutions at the moment, but there are many different versions, not all of them equally efficient. Although their long-term benefits are certain, your architect will be able to advise you on the most effective solution for your particular requirements. It's worth pointing out that both the State and the Comunidad Valenciana offer a wide range of grants and funding in this area.
Once the work has been completed, the architect issues a Certificate of Completion (Certificado Final de Obra) and the Book of Orders (Libro de Órdenes), which includes the changes and revisions made to your project. These documents must also have been approved by the Architects' Association. Once these documents have been obtained, you will need to present them to the local council in order to apply for a Permit for First Occupation (Licencia de Primera Ocupación - approx. €175, variable depending on the surface area in m2, vehicle traffic, geographical area, etc.).
Once you have reached this stage, you can apply to the various companies concerned for connection to the municipal water, electricity, gas and telephone networks.
Go to the notary to sign the deed of sale (escritura de Obra Nueva - approx. €660). Then pay the Stamp Duty (Impuesto sobre Actos Juridicos Documentados - 0.5% of the value of the property indicated on the deed), and finally, register your house with the Property Registry (Registro de Propiedad - approx. €260).
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